A member of the 5th Leicester before the war, 60-year-old Mr Chesterton left the RAF in 1947 and resumed his career in scouting when he was asked to from a scout troop at Markfield. In 1948, a squad of twelve boys met at the old school on the Green; they were the founder members of the 1st Markfield Scout Group.
Thirty-three years later, on Saturday 28th March 1981 Gordon’s retirement as Group Scout Leader of the Scouts and Cubs was marked by a presentation at parents’ meeting at the Institute which was attended by over 150 parents, friends, scout and ex-scouts. He received a handsome camera, project and four rolls of film. Mrs Betty Chesterton was presented with a gardening book and an arrangement of flowers in appreciation of the work she had done for the group.
During his time as Scout Leader, part of his 49 years with the movement, Gordon saw the group develop and expand. By 196 there were 28 cubs, led by Mr Tony Moulding and his assistant, Miss Barbara Snell (now Mrs Brenchley) , twelve scouts and six scouters.
The 21st May 1966 saw the opening of the Bowmar Scout Headquarters by Mr and Mrs Bowman; the result of a tremendous amount of hard work by all those connected with the Scout Group Today Gordon’s efforts have been repaid. Two scout and two cub packs involve 96 boys – a 700% increase on that original meeting. The village is justified in being proud of Gordon’s achievements.
Mr Chesterton said “I’m ever so proud of my group, it has come from strength to strength over the years. But of course when you get old it’s only fair that the young ones should be given the chance of running the group”.
The committee wish to thank everyone who helped to make the evening a memorable one for the Skip.
Evelyn Snell.