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History of 1st Markfield Scout Group

Lovingly prepared by Ex-Group Scout Leader, Dave Morris – with support from other Leaders and Executive Members.


Formation of the Group
Formation of the Group

The Group was started by Gordon Chesterton, a low key affair, in a classroom at the old village Primary School with a handful of boys and a copy of ‘Scouting for Boys’.


10th March 1950. Now with a group committee of six the group was officially registered with Coalville District Boy Scouts Association as 1st. Markfield Scout Group.

Miner’s Welfare Institute
Miner’s Welfare Institute

The meetings moved into the Miners’ Welfare Institute.  Once a fortnight the room was heated, so the programme for the evening was – cold night’s games, warm nights badge work.

First Camp

First joint camp with 1st. Bardon Hill Scouts was held at Merry Lee’s, an association which was to last until Gordon retired from the Group in 1981.

Coronation Visit

1953 June 2nd. The village awaits the return from London of 1st. Class Scout Tony Moulding to light the village bonfire built by the Scouts to celebrate the Coronation.

First Queen’s Scout

Paul Gostelow was to be Markfield’s first Queen’s Scout. In addition, Paul designed the running fox county scarves for the World Jamboree in July 1957. A hunting pink scarf with a  running fox embroidered in gold.

Wooden Scout Hut

The Group was offered –a wooden weekend bungalow for a Head Quarters for the cost of dismantling and rebuilding.

Land was rented from Market Bosworth Council.

Land was rented from Market Bosworth Council.

The Head Quarters was opened by the donors, Mr. & Mrs. Bowmar.
The Head Quarters was opened by the donors, Mr. & Mrs. Bowmar.

The Head Quarters was opened by the donors, Mr. & Mrs. Bowmar.

21st. Anniversary of the Group

21st. Anniversary of the Group. To commemorate this, a seat was presented to the village and placed on the green.

25th Anniversary

Rose bushes were donated by the community and planted to mark the Group’s 25th anniversary.

Gordon Chesterton Died

Gordon Chesterton Died

Gordon Chesterton Retires

A member of the 5th Leicester before the war, 60-year-old Mr Chesterton left the RAF in 1947 and resumed his career in scouting when he was asked to from a scout troop at Markfield. In 1948, a squad of twelve boys met at the old school on the Green; they…Read More

Tree planted for Gordon Chesterton
Tree planted for Gordon Chesterton

A tree was planted at Willesley District Scout Campsite for Gordon Chesterton

Beaver Colony started
Beaver Colony started

Beaver Colony started on 8th January 1986. A new Beaver Colony has been formed at Markfield Scout Headquarters. It is the fourth to be formed in the Coalville and Ashby District and has twelve members. Last week was the fourth week the youngsters had attended and they were presented with…Read More

Opening of Dodson Room
Opening of Dodson Room

The permanent extension was opened and called the Dodson Room on 4th October 1986. A new £10,000 extension to the 1st Markfield Scouts Bowmar headquarters was officially opened by the County Commissioner, Mr. Noel Freer. Officials are delighted with the new two-room building, next to the old headquarters in Main…Read More

40th Anniversary
40th Anniversary

There are 107 in the Group made up of Beavers, Cub Scouts, Scouts, Ventures and Leaders. April 7th Saturday at 5pm, a reception was held at Scout Headquarters for invited guests. A presentation of Medals of Merit was made to MRS. MAVIS LOAKES and    MRS. EVELYN SNELL by the County Commissioner…Read More

New Extension opened
New Extension opened

A new £13,000 extension to Markfield Scout headquarters was officially opened by Evelyn Snell on Wednesday 24th April 1996, who has been a scout committee member for 45 years, serving as chairman, secretary, and treasurer for 25 years. She was presented with a bouquet of flowers and a gift.

Dave Morris appointed as Group Scout Leader

Dave Morris appointed as Group Scout Leader

50th Anniversary
50th Anniversary

Sunday 26th March – celebrated 50th anniversary

Millennium Camp
Millennium Camp

Millennium Camp at Willesley. Rain and mud.

Gang Show

Gang Show. Its Great Too be Young

Centenary of Scouting celebrations

On 1st August 2007 Scouts all over the world will celebrate the centenary of Scouting with a special Sunrise service. A young Leader from 1st Markfield, Sam Morris, will be in Malawi Africa for the Sunrise celebration. Spring Bank Holiday. Centenary Camp at Wilesley September. Explorer Scouts/Young Leader group started.…Read More

Diamond Anniversary Celebrations

2010 Diamond Anniversary Celebrations March, Gang Show April, Open Day May, Church Parade July, Group family camp

70th Anniversary
70th Anniversary

A badge was designed by young people, the chosen design was then printed and given to each member.