Please note our Scout section is currently closed. We are in need of volunteers to join our Cub & Scout Sections Leadership Teams, and volunteers to join our Trustee Board. Search our Volunteer Page to find out more.

  • Splash Camp 2023 Photo Gallery

    Splash Camp 2023 Photo Gallery

  • Annual General Meeting & Awards Evening

    Annual General Meeting & Awards Evening

    Our Annual General Meeting was held on 29th November 2022. Thank you to all who attended and those involved. Please see minutes, section reports and accounts below. If you have any questions, please contact-us.

  • Remembrance Parade

    Remembrance Parade

    On Sunday 13th November, Scout and Girl Guiding units gathered for our local remembrance service. A big thank you to all involved in putting together the service, parents, young people and community members for attending and for those young people who gave readings, carried flags and laid wreaths. Next year we look forward to returning……

  • Scouts complete first night hike

    Scouts complete first night hike

    The scouts completed their first night hike from Markfield to Thornton last Monday night. Scouts planned their route and learnt how to read maps using grid references, plot their course and navigate using a compass. If you’re aged 10 1/2 to 14 years, join us on our next adventure. We meet every Monday (term time).

  • Remembering our Patron, HM The Queen

    Remembering our Patron, HM The Queen

    Scouts have joined the nation in mourning the loss of our beloved monarch and Patron, HM The Queen. Her outstanding example of service, encouragement and kindness was an inspiration to us all. 1st Markfield Scouts will join the community at the local church on Monday 12th September 2022 to pay tributes. Our flag will be……

  • Markfield Parent and Community Support Group – Launch Event

    Markfield Parent and Community Support Group – Launch Event

    Markfield Scout Group is run by a small team of dedicated leaders that provide exciting programmes and activities for its youth members offering them opportunity to gain and improve on their life skills. We are passionate about developing the Group so that we can ensure we offer Scouting to as many young people within our……

  • Splash Camp 2022

    Splash Camp 2022

    Some of our Cubs took part in Leicestershire County’s annual splash camp at Leicester’s Outdoor Pursuits Centre. They enjoyed lots of adventurous activities including kayaking, paddle boards, canoeing, climbing, laser tag, STEM activities, football and crazy golf.

  • Cub Camp 2022

    Cub Camp 2022

    The Cubs enjoyed their first camp since Covid-19 restrictions. They hiked from the Scout Hut to John’s Lee Wood campsite where they took part in a number of adventurous activities before returning to the Scout Hut and setting up camp. At camp they enjoyed cooking on the campfire and watching a movie in their junk……

  • Beaver Camp 2022

    Beaver Camp 2022

    The beavers celebrated the jubilee with others from across the district during their annual camp. As always there was lots to do – from climbing, zip lining, go karts, cooking on an open fire, to trying a new sport and learning to play a new instrument. The beavers all really enjoyed themselves.

  • St George’s Day 2022

    St George’s Day 2022

    This year we returned to face-to-face events and joined groups across the Ashby and Coalville district to celebrate St George’s Day. Breaking from tradition, rather than a parade this year we went on a ramble through woodland, forests and old railway tracks at Moira and Conkers. This year was a special event for 1st Markfield,……

  • Safe Scouting: Covid Readiness Green

    From the 27th January 2022 the readiness level is GREEN. This means: All activities can resume for members who live in England. Residential activities and international travel may take place.   Group sizes and limitations:  All non-residential activities (including young people or Scout Network members): No limit on group size, although all activities must be able to……